Emma, Princess of Emeralkia (b. 2009) is the primary princess of the Principality of Emeralkia, serving along with the Auxillary Princess of Emeralkia. Officially the Princess of Southern Emeralkia, she is one of the founders of the great Gaplan state of Emeralkia, the first state to join after Union Day in March 2019.
Emeralkia is a state of history, and years of Gaplan history were made in the active state. It has a long history of alliance with Elemental as well as emerging as an independent power of its own in 2022.
In 2022, the Prince of Gaplastovia honored the Princess of Emeralkia with the title of “First Princess,” signifying the second most senior female figure in the Gaplan nobility.
Abridged List of Awards, Honors, and Orders

Domestic Honors
Commander of the Order of the Gaplan Revolution
Commander of the Order of the Gaplan People
Recipient of the Service Medal for Bravery, First Class with Distinction
Recipient of the Service Medal for Loyalty
Recipient of the Service Ribbon for the Arts
Foreign Honors
Order of Sahamitra, Great Companion (Vishwamitra)