The home of the Gaplan monarchy.
This is the official website of the Prince of Gaplastovia, the Sovereign Prince of the Federated States of Gapla.
Use this website to learn more about the prince, his activities, as well as the nation he represents.
Learn more about the Prince of Gaplastovia…
Learn about the prince, his job, and the nation he represents.
Read the official biography of the Prince of Gaplastovia.
View photos of the Prince representing us internationally.
Contact the Prince of Gaplastovia directly through this website.
The Prince is the head of the monarchy.
The Prince of Gaplastovia is the head of the monarchy and the Sovereign Prince of Gapla. However, several other princes and princesses of other realms also represent Gapla, including the Prince of Folia Tail, the Princess of Elemental, the Prince of Musicland, the Princess of Emeralkia, the Prince of Territoria, and the Auxillary Princess of Emeralkia.
Gapla is a small nation in Europe.
Gapla was founded due to a piece of terra nullius, or unclaimed land, between Serbia and Croatia. It is now the national authority for this territory and the Prince represents Gapla in all external affairs, such as any international conventions or meetings, along with the head of government, the President of Gapla. Learn more about Gapla at its national website.
Explore the Beautiful Nation of Gapla
The Federated States of Gapla is an astounding and beautiful nation that was claimed due to a status of unclaimed land in between Serbia and Croatia.
It is now the national authority for this territory and the Prince represents Gapla in all external affairs, such as any international conventions or meetings, along with the head of government, the President of Gapla. Learn more about Gapla at its national website.
Recent News Regarding the Prince
The Prince will attend Albuquerque Academy
The Prince of Gaplastovia is set to matriculate at Albuquerque Academy, an independent, private high school in New Mexico, moving away from the mainland Gaplan and Irvinian regions. He will officially post his farewell notice on this page after he completes the process of moving to New Mexico for a variety of reasons.
The Prince of Gaplastovia’s 2023 Thanksgiving Honors List
Prince of Gaplastovia Promoted from Middle School
Learn about the Gaplan Monarcy
Gapla’s monarchy doesn’t just consist of the Sovereign Prince: it consists of many individuals who make up the Royal Houses of Gapla.
Learn about who they are, and how you can potentially become one of them.
Visit the Personal Website
Are you looking for the Prince of Gaplastovia’s personal website?
You can find it at this link.